Lemon Saffron Crepes with Seafood Filling & Layered Orange Sponge
These soft creamy savoury crepes will really impress. You can vary the recipe and put whatever seafood you would prefer as the filling
These soft creamy savoury crepes will really impress. You can vary the recipe and put whatever seafood you would prefer as the filling
This is me trying to get a bit more seafood into the family diet (beside the fact that I love it). I have been doing this Strudel for at least 25 years. So, my version, as it has evolved, is slightly different and a bit easier too.
Well, of course you can imagine the MAV’s face when he could smell the cooking broccoli permeating our home and asked “what are we having for dinner?” and I told him. Always wish I have a camera handy……. BUT, what a surprise this meal was.